-Diriwayatkan Imam Muslim, Ibnu Majah, Imam Baihaqi, dan Imam Ahmad dalam Musnadnya
29 Maret 2018
"Orang mukmin yang kuat lebih baik dan lebih dicintai Allah daripada orang mukmin yang lemah dalam segala kebaikan. Pertahankanlah apa yang bermanfaat bagimu, memohonlah pertolongan kepada Allah dan jangan melemahkan diri. Jika engkau tertimpa suatu musibah, maka jangan kamu katakan, 'Seandainya saja aku tidak mengatakan ini dan itu,' tetapi katakanlah, 'Allah telah menakdirkan, dan apa yang dikehendakiNya. 'Sesungguhnya kata 'Lau'(seandainya) merupakan kata yang memberikan kesempatan bagi perbuatan syaitan."
15 Maret 2018
Cows like music
Okay, spoiler. Before you reach all of this post I would warn you. This post will definitely spam about a random topic I recently like to look on youtube. As you can predict, It's all about how can cows like music so much! The first time I see such as those videos on The Dodo twitter: @dodo and that's really cute even my heart was touched by cow's overreaction when they suddenly heard the music. *aww moment*
Maybe now you are in a bad mood or don't know what to do, or just laying on a bed, surfing the internet and get lost in a blog belonging to a girl who posts about how she's really like watching cows overreaction on the music in her leisure time. Congratulation! Get in and wish you like these videos too! and make a big smile on your face! xixix :D
Maybe now you are in a bad mood or don't know what to do, or just laying on a bed, surfing the internet and get lost in a blog belonging to a girl who posts about how she's really like watching cows overreaction on the music in her leisure time. Congratulation! Get in and wish you like these videos too! and make a big smile on your face! xixix :D
You can watch the third video on the youtube and please look at the comment saying that
'I want to form a band so we can tour and just perform for cows exclusively.' - Ella N
wkwkkw that's ridiculous and fun at the same time, but I want to! yeah at least if someday I have an opportunity to go to one of the dairy farms with hundred cows there and I will definitely do this experiment! wkwkw!
We can observe that maybe music is real universal language even cows like music so much. I also pretty sure if anything life creatures in the earth need a little fun in their lifetime! And of course, maybe this post be one of that fun!
In case if you want more videos like this just type keywords 'cows like music' Thanks! :)
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